Do you know what I mean by slashable?  Well in this case, it's those lush guys out there who you just know would be so good together... but sadly they aren't.  Or they are pretending they aren't.  But we can still wish and dream, and write fics. 

This page is dedicated to unearthing all those potential slashboys and making the job of slashing them as easy as possible, by providing those pesky things called facts.  "What-ho!" I hear you say "So basically this is your slash wish-list and you're putting up this information in the sad hope that someone may read it and write you some slash!"  Well you're darn right. 

Well the votes are in, and with a staggering 68%, Crash & Burns second victim - er, slashboy is...

Why?  Well for starters, he looks better in makeup than most women. That angelic face, those big eyes, promising nothing but sin, *sigh* who could say no?  Why he's slashable:   Two words:  "openly bisexual".  This man doesn't try to hide the fact that he likes guys and likes shagging them.  He dons dresses for shows, is rarely seen without eyeliner, talks about sex in almost every interview, is almost singularly responsible for bringing the glam back into rock - he's a slash-writer's dream.   What he's like:  From all reports, Brian is an extremely sexual being, an eye-fluttering, posing flirt who flaunts his sexuality in a "you want it - come and get it" kind of way.  He has many vices - alcohol, sex, drugs (he's been tangled with a variety in the past).  He's often portrayed as a bit of a diva who takes what he wants and asks later (if he thinks of it).  Despite any of this, you only have to listen to "Without You I'm Nothing" to know there's more to this guy than sex, drugs and rock n' roll.  He's capable of intense emotion and deep feeling and he shares that in his music (do I see the angst writer's out there perk up?) He's small in stature but large in presence, so he can play both sides of the power coin.


Who to slash him with:  Brian's reputation possibly succeeds him here.  He is the most widely crossed over (excuse the pun) RPS character I have ever come across (kinda like the Krycek of RPS).  He's been slashed with everyone from Savage Garden to Marilyn Manson.  This would most probably be due to his openly sexual nature and life experience.  This often casts him in the role of Corruptor or Seducer - the one to "turn" a straight guy.  Proof of this lies in the fact that he's most commonly matched with Steve Hewitt (drummer of Placebo) the only 100% straight member of the group (go figure).  So go ahead, think of the straightest, blokiest guy you can, then sic Brian onto him and see how long he stays that way *EG*.  On the other hand, I for one, would be very interested to see a fic where Brian is seduced/corrupted by someone else, perhaps his first time, or if he's in a position of vulnerability.  Either way, Bri's a guy who's probably done or would do just about anything in the sexual arena - so use your imagination!
find out more the brick shithouse
read more love lust and lunacy
check out crash and burn's previous slash boy