The Art and Handmade Goods of Chelsea Treahy

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Low Hanging Fruit is my stumbling attempt at helping sustainability spread. I have big ideas and great ambitions and luckily they can start off very small. Like reusable organic waxed cotton sandwich wrappers. Baby quilts made from scraps, and packrat tendencies finally coming to fruition with downcycled and found items making their way into new things. It's about minimizing my own impact on the environment, so I am striving to stitch it all with a treadle-powered sewing machine, and use locally sourced materials; even delivering on my bicycle instead of driving. It's a sense of responsibility that instead of ignoring, I am trying to awaken in other people. I hope that eventually this site will be a mix of ideas, DIY plans and products that make things a little greener, and in the meantime, I'm ok with small.

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